Where To Start
Planning for your next journey in higher education is an exciting time. Follow these steps to figure out where to start.

Make a Plan
Begin you Graduate School search by creating a list of graduate schools and programs that they offer. Make sure to keep in mind the program rankings, funding of the department, and research opportunities. Use the graduate school planning template in the Planning Guides Page to begin your search
Check Requirements
Make sure to check for requirements for your application. Some programs require certain certiciates, courses, or licenses in order to enroll. Make sure that you are aware and meet any requirements that your application will not be considered incomplete.
Standardized Tests
Standardized tests can vary depending on the program you are enrolling in. Some may require you to take more than one exam. One common exam for graduate school is the GRE (Graduae Records Examination), which is essentially the SAT for Graduate School. Some schools have waived the requirement for the GRE due to the pandemic, however it is still important to check with your program.
Fee Waivers
Just like when you applied to college, there are college application fee. There are a few ways to get a few waiver. One way is by contacting the Graduate Progream Coordinator at the university and ask if there are any ways where you could acquire a fee waiver. Another way is to attend an open house or a graduate student fair. Sometimes univerties will offer a fee waiver for attending these events.
Graduate School Open House
Just like when you first come to college in high school and go to open house, they have a similar version for graduate school. Graduate Schools sometimes may offer, fee waivers or other perks from attending their graduate open house.
Network With Faculty
Networking with Faculty at your prospective school is key. Having these initial conversations with the faculty or Graduate Coordinator will help you narrow down what school is best for you. For more information about Networking With Faculty click here.
Do not Let your GPA Stop You
Your GPA is something that is stressed a lot in undergrad, however just because your GPA is not where you want it to be, that does not mean you need to give up! You should still apply even if your GPA is low, most universities take the last 60 hours you took to compute your grades. Even then if you still are worried, contact the Graduate Coordinator and talk to them about your GPA concern and see what advise the give you.